Fourth Grader Brings COCAINE To School, Shares It With Classmates!


Wow. This is truly just sad.

A fourth grade student in Washington, D.C. was charged with drug possession yesterday after he allegedly brought cocaine to his school and shared it with classmates!

Yeah. Fourth grade. Unbelievable.

Public school officials reported that four children from Thomson Elementary School either sniffed or swallowed the illegal substance, and had to be taken to the hospital to be checked out. All were fine, aside from sore throats.

According to a letter sent home to parents, authorities and child protective services will be investigating how the student in question got the cocaine, and counselors will be brought in on Monday to discuss drug awareness.

Unreal. It scares us to think that kids that age even know what cocaine is, let alone have access to it.

We seriously hope this is a wake-up call to parents and school administrators alike, and that they can truly make an effort to be aware of what young people are being potentially exposed to and prevent a travesty like this from happening again!

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