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Tattoo Ideas for Girls

Before even thinking about tattoo ideas for girls, make sure to weigh the pros and cons to consider before getting inked.

Before you rush out to choose a gorgeous girly tattoo, bear in mind that it is not all plain sailing. Tattoos are painful but tattooing the hands and feet can be especially painful. Additionally, you should also consider the placement of your tattoo. One of the benefits of tattoos is that they are terrific for show and the design itself holds some meaning and adds drama to your appearance. There are several awesome tattoo ideas for girls using vivid colors and designs to add more beauty to your looks. Tattoos allow you to broadcast who you are, the chance to be you and to stand out from the crowd. 

While there are many ‘pros' about tattoos, there are some ‘cons' as well. For instance, some tattoo designs and placements are more painful since the process involves piercing the skin with needle near to the bone and injecting gobs of ink. There is greater risk of infection when getting a tattoo, if the tattoo artist does not clean his equipment. Another concern that you should think about is removal. In the event that you later on decide you do not want it, you will have to pay a considerable price to have it removed through surgery. Surgery carries complication and risks. 

Regardless of how you look at it, there are always be pros and cons with tattoos. Before getting yourself one, make sure the design you choose is something that you can see yourself with for many years. If ever there is doubt in your mind regarding a tattoo, then you should forget all about it. While tattoos may seem cool at a time, the price for removing them later and the complications that come with surgery may not be wroth it in the end. 

One more thing, keep in mind that tattoo application will be more painful in place where you have a lot of nerves. If you are ticklish on a certain body spot or part, it will hurt to get tattooed there, so you should avoid it.

Having said all that, there are some amazing tattoo ideas for girls around which will look awesome for many years to come.

No, it's not a real tattoo. That would be bad.Another one from my photoshoot. I think I'll use this as my ID for a while.

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