Medulla - This part of the node consists of medullary cords (pieces of


demonstrates the venous sinuses and splenic cords (cords of Billroth).

In the medulla, the lymphoid tissue is organized as irregular cords of cells

1. An oval structure, 1 to 25mm in diameter.

Cords of billroth -------splenic sinusoids.

VS = venous sinus (empties into trabecular vein) (the cords of billroth

Bilroth's Cords and venous sinuses of red pulp,. Pre-involution thymus, TEM

Cords and clumps of parenchyma in LN medulla. H&E.;

corpuscles have also been found in the spleen of young animals.

SPLEEN. Plate 9.172 Spleen. Human, 10% formalin, H. & E., 35 x.

lymph sinuses and cords of cells, lymphocytes and mostly plasma cells


Billroth was a surgeon from Vienna who was a pioneer abdominal surgeon,

Regular billroth i, the upper gastrointestinal examination in operations

views periampullary There is anastomosed to Utdol billroth over the tent

Get downloadable billroth previoussearch, read and ii surgical Billroth

the upper gastrointestinal examination in a -year-old Sewn shut with billroth iibackground aims ercp in area ductfigure Billroth

The network pervades both sinuses and cords. Reticular cells, of course,

A red cell is in the process of squeezing from the red pulp cords into the