Jesus's Baptism.

The Baptism of Jesus

How many of us even know when we were baptized?

THE BAPTISM: MATTHEW 3:13-17, MARK 1:9-11, LUKE 3:19-22 The Baptism of Jesus

Historical note: Greek work for baptism literally means immersion.

Baptism of Jesus Coloring Page

Bible Stories for Kids: The Baptism & Temptation of Jesus

This Sunday we celebrate an important event in the life of Jesus;

John Baptizes Jesus Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3

The Baptism of Jesus:

It's all there… in the baptism… in those dark Jordan waters.
The Baptism of Jesus

The Baptism of Jesus Painting - The Baptism of Jesus Fine Art Print

Song - The Baptism of Jesus

larger picture of the Baptism of Jesus
A Commentary for the Baptism of Jesus by Sr. Mildred Wannamuehler, OSB

Isn't Jesus always embarrassing to us. He hangs out with a rag-tag group of

The baptism of Jesus is described in all the synoptics, but different

Baptism of Jesus Coloring Page

The Baptism of Jesus