Prosecutors claim Berlusconi had sex with Ruby 13 times sex scandal

Karima el-Mahroug presents her ball gown prior to the Opera Ball in Vienna, Austria, on Thursday, March 3, 2011. Karima, nicknamed Ruby, is in the eye of a sex scandal storm that threatens Italy PM Silvio Berluscon's seat in power - AP
Karima el-Mahroug presents her ball gown prior to the Opera Ball in Vienna, Austria, on Thursday, March 3, 2011. Karima, nicknamed Ruby, is in the eye of a sex scandal storm that threatens Italy PM Silvio Berluscon's seat in power - AP

Italian prosecutors say that the Italian leader paid for sex with an under-age Moroccan teen 13 times.

The accounting emerged in a seven-page document obtained by The Associated Press marking the closure of the investigation against three Berlusconi aides accused of procuring prostitutes for the premier.

Their case has been separated from Berlusconi's, who faces trial on April 6 on charges of under-age prostitution and using his influence to cover it up.

Both Berlusconi and the Moroccan teen, Karima el-Mahroug, known by her nickname Ruby, have denied sex with each other.

The document filed on Tuesday seeking the indictments against the aides on charges of soliciting prostitution detail how the sex-fueled parties were organised: dinner, followed by erotic dancing and finally Berlusconi's choice of a sex partner or partners.

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