Angel tattoo designs remain among the most symbolic and spiritual of tattoo designs that exist in the market. Angels are regarded as spiritual in quite a few religions including Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and the term ‘guardian angel’ also refers to a protective entity. The have always been considered as God’s messengers, and indeed it is thought that ‘angel’ is a word that translates in Greek to mean ‘messenger’.
Because of their spiritual and virtuous nature, angel tattoo designs continue to be popular both with men and women. With regards to women, these designs are associated with calmness and serenity, while for men they generally represent a link with a higher self.
Popular Angel Tattoo Designs
The most popular angel tattoo designs generally depict beautiful winged figures floating or occasionally sitting on clouds. These figures are also found to hold harps or trumpets, in accordance to popular myth. Such designs also depict the angel as hovering, as this stresses on their nature as protective beings. However, it isn’t always necessary that the complete angel be depicted: angel wings are another popular tattoo design. Such wings can be located anywhere, and resized to any size.
Angel tattoo designs also serve the purpose of paying a tribute to someone’s loved one who passed away. If the person’s face is drawn onto the angel tattoo designs, then the person wearing the tattoo would thus be able to keep it in remembrance of them. They may also represent affection and love for a special person, especially is a heart is added on to an angel tattoo design. In fact, the most popular tattoo designs today have angels represented by Cupid, the god of love.
The meaning of Angel Tattoo Designs
As already seen, angel tattoo designs represent mysticism, protection and love. Furthermore, they are also the theme for the never-ending struggle and ultimate triumph of good over evil. Archangels have often been depicted in battle, fighting against the forces of evil.
Angel Tattoo Design sources
The most important thing to remember while getting any tattoo design is to make absolutely certain that one is completely satisfied with the final design. Tattoos are usually permanent and much easier and comparatively painless to get than to get rid off. A person who wishes to get one must be absolutely certain that he will never at any later point in his life, be embarrassed about it.
To discover angel tattoo designs, it is first advised that a person search through however many designs that he or she can find, as this would ultimately help in developing one’s own tattoo. The internet, while a vast source of tattoo designs, is not a good tool to use, as the designs that are available there are available to a large number of people. To show this, search records from the search engine Yahoo! show that in one month nearly 29,151 people searched for the term ‘Free Tattoo’ and around 19,441 people searched for ‘Angel Tattoos’. This would also be the same for other search engines like Google, and so it is highly probable that the design that one chooses from such search engines would be far from unique. It would be very embarrassing for a person to see his ‘unique’ tattoo design on someone else!
However, other than search engines there are two more options. The cheaper option is to download a huge set of tattoos from the internet which are available in the form of packages. These tattoos can then be checked at a person’s own time, and small modifications could be made to the angel tattoo designs, resulting in a unique tattoo. The other option would be to have one of the many tattoo artists to draw a design. While this option is much more expensive, it is guaranteed that the design would be unique.
After making all the important choices, the angel tattoo designs would now be ready and once a person gets it he or she will soon be the centre of attention from people who want to check out this new design.

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with search all that tattoo stuff
i used some from Deviantart
if i used one of yours
tell me and i'll credit