Beginner’s Driving Tips

Beginner’s Driving Tips

driving car tips

If you’re a newbie driver, you need to consider these following tips in order to help you avoid any collision and danger. And one most important thing: never think about driving without having any driver’s license. Not only it’s stupid but also dangerous and you can endanger other people.

1. Learn the basic signs and warning and remember them. Just because they seem simple and easy, it doesn’t mean they’re not important. By remembering the signs, you know what you’ll face, the road condition, the turning, and many more.

2. Before you go, make sure to check everything. Are the tires ok? Is the engine ok or is it producing suspicious noise? Do the wipers function well?

3. Always buckle up before hitting the engine. Then make adjustment, whether it’s about the mirror, the seats, or other things. Make sure you’re comfy enough behind the wheel.

4. When you have other people with you, make sure they also put on their seatbelts. Also, never bring along people more than the car capacity. Let’s say, you tag along 6 people inside a 4-people car. It’s careless, stupid, and dangerous.

5. Whenever you want to change lanes or turn, always signal. Signaling is the way to show your intention. Without it, other drivers won’t know what you want or intend to.

Beginner’s Driving Tips is a post from: Automotive News and Review

Rapier Superlight Coupe Review


What is in a name? The word Rapier reminds us to the 17th century kind of light and quick sword. It seems suitable with the car. The two-door supercar, Rapier Superlight Coupe with its 480-hp engine, holds a top speed of 222 mph. It weighs 2375 pounds with a full aluminum monocoque chassis and composite body panels. It is equipped with Entertainment Standard System like DVD/CD/MP3 Receiver/AV Head Unit, GPS Navigation System, backup camera, speakers, and Radar/Laser Detector. There is also optional offers for PC/Car Computer, Game Console, with 7″ LCD Screen for both driver and passenger sides.

For a $ 179,000 you can bring this hot car with the base engine home with you. It will take nine months for the delivery. You may wonder why so. Each car is built according to the new owner’s liking. Whether you want 480 hp LS-376, the505 hp LS-7 or the MASSIVE Supercharged 638 hp LS-9, you can pick your exterior paint color and the interior color scheme as you wish. Or have the chrome, gloss or satin black wheels. Or perhaps you prefer to have it painted to go with your exterior? They all can be done! No wonder then that Rapier Superlight Coupe claims to be the most exotic custom built supercar on earth.

Rapier Superlight Coupe Review is a post from: Automotive News and Review

Handling Distracted Driver


Distracted driving refers to any activities that cause not fully and even lost his/her focus while he/she is behind the wheel. This activity may come in three kinds of conduct 1) Visual means taking your eyes off the road, 2) Manual or taking your hands off the wheel and 3) Cognitive taking your mind off what you’re doing. These kinds of behaviors increase the risk of a car crash.

To minimize distractions the first thing that you have to do is that you need to always keep your eyes focus on the road and keep your hands on the wheel as well. You need to plan your route before you plan to go somewhere. When you are lost there is a possibility of insensitive driving to happen. Always buckled up appropriately and make sure that other passengers do the same thing to. Never use a cell phone when you are driving. If you must use a cell phone, it is recommended to use a hands-free device to make short discussion only. Do not eat or drink while driving, most unnecessary accident happen because the driver is trying not to getting food crumbs or spill their drinks on their lap.

Handling Distracted Driver is a post from: Automotive News and Review

Handling Aggressive Drivers

handling car

Aggressive driving is a type of vehicles operation which a driver will intentionally behave with disrespect towards other drivers and drive in such a way that may increase the risk of a car crash. An aggressive driver may drive so carelessly that cause injuring and even killing another driver or himself.

The aggressive manners such as aggressive tailgating, flashing lights at other drivers simply because you feel irritated, showing aggressive or rude gestures and intentionally preventing another driver from moving their cars are some of the examples of aggressive driving. Aggressive driving also involves verbal abuse as well as physical attack, ignoring traffic signals, frequently changing traffic lane in a hazardous manner.

In case you come across these types of conduct while driving down the highway, here are some things that you can use to protect yourself.

The first thing you need to do is stay calm and keep your distance. Do not pass unless you have to. You also need to change lanes when you feel it is safe. If you cannot do that, stay where you are and maintain the appropriate speed. Never respond with hostile gestures. If things get worse report the aggressive driver to the police.

Handling Aggressive Drivers is a post from: Automotive News and Review

Six Steps Car Washing Guide


There is nothing that can make car owners happier than getting jealous stares from people by looking at their heavenly luminous car. A simple way to keep your car clean and glistening is by washing it. Here is how you do it.

1. All you have to do is rinsing your car thoroughly by using lots of water in a gentle watercourse to prevent scratches.

2. Only use a detergent that is particularly designed for car washing and mix it according to the directions in the product’s label.

3. Do the washing in parts. Start with the top to help the rinsing to be much easier. Then do other parts, like door, front or rear fender etc. Always rinse immediately after applying soap to prevent film to develop.

4. Rinse the whole car to make sure all the soap is cleaned away after washing, especially in the places where soap can hide.

5. For an extremely dirty car you will need to wash it twice to clean the dirt and to make sure no dirt left.

6. After the washing rinse the sponge in the plain water to prevent scratches caused by the remaining dirt particles. You can also rinse off with your hose the sponge before using it.

Six Steps Car Washing Guide is a post from: Automotive News and Review

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